Ticket Protection
Secure your booking with The Ticket Factory
For a worry free ticket purchase, choose Ticket Protection to protect your transaction.
For just a fraction of the cost of your tickets, working with Secure My Booking our Ticket Protection allows you to re-coup 100% of the paid ticket price (including fulfilment and service fees) if you are unable to make it to your event. From traffic delays, illness, adverse weather conditions, strikes, accidents and more, it's easy for you to file your claim. Any refund will be managed by Rightpath Claims, on behalf of The Ticket Factory.
Simply select the number of tickets you require protection for at a cost of £2.65 per ticket during the purchase process.
Full details of the terms & conditions can be found here. Securemybooking.com is an appointed representative of JM Marketing Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority - Registration No: 435403.
How do I purchase ticket protection?
1. Select the event you wish to attend and click Find Tickets
2. Select the number of tickets you wish to purchase, then scroll down to the Additional Items section
3. Select the correct number of tickets that you require protection for (if this doesn't match the number of tickets you are buying you won't be fully protected)
4. Click Continue and complete your ticket purchase as usual